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This building allows you to muster armies by recruiting units. The building levels decreases the recruitment time for new units.

Barracks building information
Level Fichier:Wood.png Fichier:Clay.png Fichier:Iron.png Fichier:Provisions.png Research Unlocks Recruit
time reduction
1 300 270 290 7 - - 63 %
2 375 344 363 1 - - 60 %
3 469 439 453 2 - Swordsman 56 %
4 586 560 566 2 - - 53 %
5 732 714 708 2 - Axe Fighter 50 %
6 916 910 885 3 - - 47 %
7 1,144 1,160 1,106 3 Training Grounds - 45 %
8 1,431 1,479 1,383 4 - - 42 %
9 1,788 1,886 1,729 5 - Archer 40 %
10 2,235 2,404 2,161 6 - - 38 %
11 2,794 3,065 2,701 7 - Light Cavalry 36 %
12 3,492 3,908 3,376 9 - - 34 %
13 4,366 4,983 4,220 10 - Mounted Archer 32 %
14 5,457 6,353 5,275 12 - - 30 %
15 6,821 8,100 6,594 15 - Ram 29 %
16 8,527 10,328 8,242 18 - - 27 %
17 10,658 13,168 10,303 22 - - 25 %
18 13,323 16,789 12,879 26 - - 24 %
19 16,653 21,407 16,098 31 Large grounds - 23 %
20 20,817 27,293 20,123 37 - - 22 %
21 26,021 34,799 25,153 45 - Heavy Cavalry 20 %
22 32,526 44,369 31,442 54 - - 19 %
23 40,658 56,570 39,302 64 Fortified Roof - 18 %
24 50,822 72,127 49,128 77 - - 17 %
25 63,527 91,962 61,410 93 Military Academy - 16 %

Barracks Research

Barracks research information
Level Requirement Name Description
7 Taining grounds This research will increase your discipline by 33%. Discipline increases your army arrival time estimation.
19 Large grounds This research will increase your discipline by 33%. Discipline increases your army arrival time estimation.
23 Fortified Roof Researching this will increase this building's hit points by 50%
25 Military Academy This research will increase your discipline by 33%. Discipline increases your army arrival time estimation.